بالصور قوم عاقبهم الله وحولهم الي حجارة وهم على أوضاعهم وجثثهم عارية

نشر موقع سي أن ان العربية تقريرا حول ابحاث ودراسات تقوم بها احدي الجماعات الايطالية بفحص جثث ضحايا ثوران بركان فيزوف وذكر العلماء أنه قبل ميلاد المسيح ب 79 عام حدث بركان في مدينة بومبي وهي مدينة رومانية قديمة تقع في إيطاليا حيث انهال الرماد عليهم.

ولم يتمكنوا من الفرار إلا أن الرماد الملتهب قضي عليهم حتى توفي كل شخص منهم على وضعه وغطى الرماد أجسامهم حتى تحولوا بعد مئات السنين إلى مستحاثات متحجِّرة ويظهر من خلال الصور العاملون وهم يقومون بفحص وترميم هذة المتحجرات البشرية.

والجدير بالذكر أن العلماء والشيوخ المسلمين ذكروا أهل هذة المدينة أنهم كانوا يفتخرون بممارسة الجنس والشذوذ وأنهم كانوا يرسمون أشكال اباحية أمام أطفالهم وأمام نسائهم حتى أنهم أول من ابتكر الفن في الخلاعة والفسق وكانت المدينة في هذة الأوقات مليئة بالثروات حيث كانت تكثر فيها الأمطار وتخرج لهم الأرض أفضل المحاصيل.

وفي يوم كانت المدينة تحتفل بعيد إله النار وفاجأة ثار بركان بجانب المدينة وانطلقت الحمم المنصهرة والرماد البركاني الملتهب فنزل على الناس داخل المدينة وماتوا جميعا وظلت هذه المدينة مختفية حتى القرن الثامن عشر حيث اكتُشفت هذه المدينة ووجدوا فيها آلاف الجثث من الناس المتحجرين الذين تحوّلوا إلى صخور على أوضاعهم التي كانوا عليها.

وأوضح العلماء أن هذا عقاب من عند الله حيث قال تعالي أَفَأَمِنَ أَهْلُ الْقُرَى أَنْ يَأْتِيَهُمْ بَأْسُنَا بَيَاتًا وَهُمْ نَائِمُونَ ولكن علماء الغرب يقولون أنة حادث ليس له علاقة بالدين.

A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works with a laser scaner on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer works on a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer cleans and analyses a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer cleans and analyses a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)


A picture shows petrified victims of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، during the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A picture shows petrified victims of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، during the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer cleans and analyses a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)
A restorer cleans and analyses a petrified victim of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79 BC، as part of the restoration work and the study of 86 casts in the laboratory of Pompeii Archaeological Site، on May 20، 2015 in Pompeii. AFP PHOTO / MARIO LAPORTA (Photo credit should read MARIO LAPORTA/AFP/Getty Images)

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