Germany charges a 98-year-old former Nazi camp guard with murder

A 98-year-old man in Germany has been charged with complicity in murder while he was a guard at the Nazi concentration camp in Sachsenhausen between 1943 and 1945, prosecutors said Friday.

Torturing and killing thousands of prisoners:-

Giessen prosecutors said in a statement that the German national, who resides in the district of Main-Kinzig near Frankfurt, is accused of “supporting the brutal and malicious murder of thousands of prisoners as a member of an SS guard They did not release the suspect’s name.

He is charged with more than 3,300 counts of complicity in murder between July 1943 and February 1945. The indictment has been submitted to the state court in Hanau, which will now have to decide whether to take the case to trial. If this happens, he will be prosecuted under the Juvenile Law, taking into account his age at the time of the alleged crimes.

Prisoners in Mauthausen concentration camp | Wikipedia

Punishing every participant, even without evidence:-

Prosecutors said a report by a psychiatry expert last October found the suspect fit to stand trial, at least on a limited basis.

German prosecutors have brought several cases under precedents set in recent years that allow people who helped run a Nazi camp to be tried as accomplices to murder there without direct evidence of their participation in a specific murder.


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