Google AdSense Revenue Sharing

Since 2009, Nogoom Masrya has implemented the idea of revenue sharing with writers, back then it was code dependent, i.e user AdSense code was shown a certain number of times per 100 views, now is an AdSense Host API partner, where Google AdSense splits revenue between the writer and by 80-20%, i.e the writer gets 80% of revenue generated by his articles on and the website gets 20%.

Nogoom Masrya ( is the leading Arabic pioneer website for AdSense Revenue Sharing, it was the first Arabic revenue sharing platform, and till the current time the only Arabic website that is an AdSense Host API partner.

How to participate?

Participation in is available after proof of quality article writing capabilities.

1- First: as a new user you should have a brief discussion with Abdelrahman Ellithy, CEO of Nogoom Masrya, where you should provide proof of your journalistic writing capabilities, as a first step you should start a conversation presenting yourself and field of experience in “Facebook Messenger” message to Mr. Ellithy.

2- Second: you should join our Facebook group.

3- Third: you should confirm reading and understanding Google AdSense program policies and Nogoom Masrya program policies as well.



1- Nogoom Masrya is a web content development company based in Giza, Egypt.

2- Nogoom Masrya is approved in Google News and Bing News.

3- You get journalistic writing experience from fellow professional colleagues.

4- The website is registered in the Egyptian Media Supreme Council.

5- You can use a Hosted AdSense account.

6- You can create your AdSense account using articles on Nogoom Masrya.

7- Nogoom Masrya® is a registered Trademark.


Is it possible to open an AdSense account using articles on

Yes, it is possible, but the important first step is to provide a proof for your journalistic writing skills to create an account on


Can I use a Hosted AdSense account?

Yes, it is possible to use Hosted AdSense accounts (created using Youtube or Blogger) on


As a Youtuber, how can increase my AdSense income?

For Youtubers, offers a greate opportunity that our professional team will create articles for your account, then you can promote these articles in your Youtube videos.


Helpful Videos:

How to connect your AdSense Account with