«Netherlands News»… Rare spotless baby giraffe born in Tennessee: a unique natural occurrence

In a surprising turn of events, An extraordinary event has unfolded with the birth of a female spotted giraffe in Tennessee, Spotted giraffes are typically recognized for their distinct skin color, ranging from white, yellow, to brown, and their characteristic pale yellow to dark brown spots. However, on July 31st, an exceptional baby giraffe was born in Tennessee, and to everyone’s surprise, it lacked the usual spots.

A rare spotless giraffe in Tennessee zoo | CBS news

Genetic mutation behind unique coloration

This remarkable birth not only sheds light on the natural variability within the giraffe population but also raises questions about the genetics and evolution of these majestic creatures. The story of this spotless spotted giraffe forms a captivating link between the past and the present, underscoring the importance of both conservation efforts and scientific research into our unique planet and its inhabitants.

Discover the fascinating genetic mutation responsible for the distinctive appearance of the brown giraffe. Anne van Dijk, a biologist at Artis Zoo, explains that a specific alteration in the DNA has led to the absence of spots and the development of a completely brown coat. This genetic anomaly is rare; in this case, it precisely affects the gene-controlling coat coloration.

Giraffe spots aid temperature regulation

Explore the cutting-edge theory suggesting that giraffe spots play an important role in temperature regulation. Anne van Dijk explains that beneath these spots, an intricate network of blood vessels exists, enabling giraffes to release excess heat through the center of each spot. A similar principle has been observed in zebras, where the color variation in their coats facilitates differential heat dispersal.


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