Renowned Dutch Seismologist Predicts Critical Earthquake Activity Due to Planetary Alignment

Amsterdam: Frank Hoogerbeets, the noted Dutch seismologist, sounded an alarm on Tuesday concerning an upcoming “critically crucial” period between the 12th and 16th of October. He cited an imminent planetary alignment as the probable cause of significant seismic activities during this span.

Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbietz-Image Source: X

Hoogerbeets mentioned in a tweet, “The acute planetary alignment from October 9th to 12th could possibly induce considerable seismic activities, likely between October 12th and 16th. Stay prepared!”

The controversial earthquake expert elaborated on his theory by stating, “This alignment has been thoroughly discussed in our latest forecasts. It’s genuinely a close convergence,” attaching the latest report from the geological agency, SSGEOS.

Highlighted within the SSGEOS report are significant planetary conjunctions on October 11th and 12th involving Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, followed by another conjunction involving Mercury, the Sun, and Neptune. Hoogerbeets described these conjunctions as “tremendously significant.”


He indicated that the severity could easily be between magnitudes 7.5 to 7.8, or even higher, stating, “Considering the planetary geometry during the period of October 12th to 16th, and depending on the state of the Earth’s crust and pressure levels, we could witness intense seismic activity and numerous strong events globally.”

Furthermore, Hoogerbeets responded to criticism from other scientists about his theory, stating that there is a scientific foundation for earthquake predictions. He lamented that traditional studies focusing on the locations of planets and the moon at the time of major earthquakes haven’t been conducted recently, contrary to popular belief.

Despite the geological community’s insistence that earthquakes can’t be forecasted, Hoogerbeets remains undeterred, affirming the legitimacy of his theory that planetary movements and alignments lead to seismic activities on Earth.


Notably, Hoogerbeets had previously forecasted several earthquakes, including the devastating Turkish earthquake in February that claimed over 50,000 lives and last month’s Morocco quake that resulted in 3,000 casualties. He had also forewarned about several concurrent tremors that recently shook the earth.


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