How to secure your personal conversations on WhatsApp?

Meta, the company that owns the WhatsApp application, announced earlier the launch of a new feature that allows users to set a password for their conversations، This feature comes in light of the requests of users who want to secure their conversations from spying and unauthorized access, the information you provided about WhatsApp’s new chat lock feature is very interesting and helpful.

Pros of the chat lock feature

  • Increased privacy: The ability to password-protect individual chat folders adds a significant layer of security for sensitive conversations. This can be especially beneficial for users who handle confidential information or simply want to keep certain chats private from family, friends, or colleagues.
  • Convenience and accessibility: Syncing chat locks across all devices linked to the account makes it easier to access protected chats from any device without having to remember multiple passwords. This can be a major convenience for users who switch between devices frequently.


  • Customization: The option to add a custom password to each chat folder allows for further personalization and control over privacy settings. This can be useful for users who have different levels of sensitivity for different conversations.

Potential considerations:

  • Security implications: While the chat lock feature adds a layer of protection, it’s important to remember that no security system is foolproof. Users should still practice caution and be mindful of whom they share their passwords with.
  • User experience: Adding another layer of authentication might impact the user experience slightly, especially for those who frequently access their chats. However, the increased privacy and security benefits could outweigh this minor inconvenience for many users.
The chat lock on WhatsApp

How to secure a WhatsApp account?

The company explained that the new feature will allow users to set a password, pattern, or fingerprint for their chat folder.

These settings will be synced across all devices linked to the same account, making it easier for users to access their private conversations from any device.

To activate the chat lock feature, you must follow the following steps:

  • Open the WhatsApp application.
  • Click on the “Settings” icon.
  • Click on “Privacy”.
  • Click on “Lock Chats”.
  • Click on “Add Folder”.
  • Enter the password, then confirm it.


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