Egypt Unveils Riveting Cleopatra Documentary: A Bold Challenge to Netflix’s Royal Rendition

Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass announced the premiere of a documentary about Queen Cleopatra on May 10th, available on various platforms, including YouTube, Local News, and Amazon Prime.

In a statement, Hawass revealed that the film will be released on the same day as the controversial Cleopatra documentary on Netflix.

The film, co-produced by Sofia Aziz and Dr. Zahi Hawass, features cinematography by Curtis Ryan Woodside.

Several renowned archaeologists will also participate in the project, including Dr. Kathleen Martinez, Dr. Sahar Saleem, and others.

Bassem Youssef Slams Kevin Hart and Netflix Over Cleopatra and Pyramids Controversy

This comes after Bassem Youssef appeared in an interview with journalist Piers Morgan on the British channel “TalkTV” to address the crisis sparked by Netflix’s Cleopatra film and the ongoing debate about casting an actress of African descent to play Queen Cleopatra.

In response to statements attributed to African-American actor Kevin Hart, who claimed that his ancestors “built the pyramids” in Egypt, Bassem Youssef said:

“The issue is not about white or black skin, but rather about cultural appropriation and the historical philosophy practiced by proponents of Afrocentricity.”

Youssef continued, “This movement began in the last century with a noble goal to educate African Americans about the rich history of West Africa, such as the great empires of Benin, Ghana, and Mali. That’s why you find people like Kevin Hart, who believe in these theories and claim that their ancestors built the pyramids. I’m sorry, but your ancestors have a wonderful civilization in West Africa.”

Netflix’s Casting of Dark-Skinned Actress as Queen Cleopatra Ignites Debate Across Egyptian Social Media

In recent weeks, Egyptian commentators have criticized the casting of British actress Adèle James as Cleopatra, arguing that the Pharaonic queen descended from Macedonian roots and therefore did not have dark skin, nor was she of African origin.


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