Egypt’s President El-Sisi Conveys Firm Stance to CIA Director on Gaza’s Security Oversight

In an unprecedented move marking a potential shift in Middle Eastern diplomacy, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi communicated strong reservations against proposals put forth by CIA Director William Burns during a high-profile meeting in Cairo.

Egyptian president Abdelfattah Alsisi - Photo by Egyptian Presidency Official Website.

According to Egyptian lawmaker Mustafa Bakri, President El-Sisi’s stance unsettled Washington as he rejected the suggestion of Egypt assuming a security monitor role in Gaza post any potential displacement of Hamas. The proposition involved Egyptian forces being a part of a multinational force tasked with overseeing Gaza until the Palestinian National Authority could take over governance of the area.

El-Sisi’s outright refusal to partake in any multinational force, his warnings against a renewed occupation of Gaza, and his opposition to the establishment of an Israeli security zone on Gazan territory align with a broader caution against the forced relocation of Palestinians to areas like Sinai or Jordan. He also condemned any efforts to eradicate the Palestinian issue and cautioned Washington against the continuation of what he described as a genocidal war supported by the U.S. against the Palestinian people.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi meeting in Cairo with CIA Director William Burns-Source: X

Amid these firm rebuffs, the Egyptian President called for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the crippling blockade causing widespread hunger in Palestine, and an increase in humanitarian aid. He also expressed Egypt’s readiness to facilitate a solution regarding prisoners on both sides of the conflict.

The meeting, which also covered the strategic partnership between Egypt and the United States and their role in Middle East stability, comes amid the ongoing hostilities in Gaza. President El-Sisi’s statements represent a staunch defense of Palestinian rights and sovereignty, potentially heralding a new chapter in the region’s complex political landscape.


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